Monday, August 2, 2010

Time for Work

Yes, folks--fall is in the air.  It's only August 2nd, but already I feel the change.  Yesterday the sunlight filtering through the clouds made everything look kind of golden-orange.  I am beginning to feel motivated--ready to work, think, create, engage with students.  The course I am teaching this fall is especially challenging.  Most of my students are ESL.  They were also specifically chosen for this slowed-down version of 101 because of low scores on their SAT writing tests.  So going in, I know who my students are.  I have my work cut out for me.  In a way, I have an advantage over other CORE teachers in that I have a ton of time to devote to the basics.  I also plan to have a couple of opportunities for localized field trips--to the history museum, the art museum, etc.  This is a gateway course, so one of the things I'm going to try to do is introduce students to the arts opportunities within the UWT community.  This week, my plan is to begin creating assignments for both quarters.  I need to have the end goal--March--in view as I create each assignment.  What do I want them to end up with? How do I want them to get there? So I'll probably take a big piece of poster paper and sketch it all out.  The fall signals not an end, but a new beginning.  I need my most creative ideas to blossom this year!

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