Monday, July 26, 2010

Well, well--53 today.  Don't feel a bit older than 52.  Not yet anyway.  I guess it takes a few days to sink in.  Mike and I went to the zoo in Tacoma--I have always loved going to the zoo.  The weather is great, and the animals, as always, were spectacular. A polar bear swam right up to the glass--we were eye to eye! We also saw meer cats and sharks--not in the same place, of course.  Always interesting, the zoo. . .This bowling pic was taken in the spring when I was in Bend with UWT students working with Habitat for Humanity.  That was a great time.  I saw a few of them on Saturday night at "Paint the Park Purple" in Tacoma and was reminded of that trip.  Good times! Later on this evening, Mike and I will eat our dinner outside on the deck and drink margeritas. Here's to getting better and better as I age.  Here's to looking for the good in everyone.  Here's to looking forward to what's around the corner.  And to always keeping my fork, because dessert is coming up!

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