Thursday, March 31, 2011

So many books. . . .

And here's another book I absolutely must read: The Secret Life Of The Grown-Up Brain: The Surprising Talents Of The Middle-Aged Mind

     Here's the review by Barbara Strauch: "As the health and medical science editor at The New York Times, Barbara Strauch can spot good research and new ideas. The Secret Life of the Grown-Up Brain is full of both. No depressing documentation of memory loss here. Strauch focuses on what middle-aged brains can do better than younger brains — most important, synthesize and use information, and see things more broadly. She tells her story in a very accessible way, through anecdotes of discovery and profiles of brain scientists. At the end of the book, there's advice — but no guarantees — on how to keep your brain in good shape. And for any people (including teenagers) who doubt the middle-aged brain is all that great,..." This book is a MUST read--I think I still qualify as middle aged. . . .but that aside, it's good to know that us "older folks" can still make a contribution in the world.  Misplacing my keys, locking myself out of my office--not signs of alzheimer's but just a sign of distraction.  I've never really been all that good at multi-tasking anyway.  So I'll add this one to my list, and maybe once I buy it, I won't forget where I put it on my bookshelf. . . .

Monday, March 28, 2011

Blogging in class!

I decided to go ahead and try the blog this quarter in my argument class instead of regular journals.  Can't wait to see how it turns out.  I will need to keep my blog updated now! This is going to keep me accountable. Hm. Controversial topic of the day: President Obama's speech this evening....or wait, something more local: Pierce Transit's ongoing decision to cut four bus routes out of my morning commute.  Grr.  I know, very academic response.  I must get more facts about this situation so that I can attend the April 18th "town meeting" in Gig Harbor.  This is an inconvenence for those of use who need this bus to get to and from work--so that we can save gas, help the planet, etc. I have heard that the directors of Pierce Transit are not in any hurry to reinstate those routes.  It does help save money; but since the Lakewood fuel station exploded a few weeks ago, all they have done is make excuses about why those routes have been cut.  No plans to bring them back.  I am really griping because I don't want to get up at 5:30 in the morning.  Whine, whine.  But really? We'll only have two routes in and two routes back? From now on? SRO in the afternoons, for sure. BOO!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Using Blogs in the classroom

I've been considering whether or not to use blogs in my Argument and Research course in the spring.  Of the many advantages, I like the fact that students may write more often.  I'm also interested in the various possibilities for research--the students can provide links on their topics, post pictures or videos, even music files that connect to their topics.  I think that the experience of writing a researched argument can become more relevant once they have an actual audience commenting on their work.  I must decide soon, though--Spring quarter is just a few weeks away. . . .