Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sharing the Wealth

Okay, so I don't know much about political systems, I can't remember half of the history I learned in school, but I do know that "sharing the wealth" is not a bad thing, especially when compared with "trickle down economics"--I'm not afraid that my piece of the pie is going to be eaten by some lazy person who doesn't deserve to get dessert. Since when did you have to deserve to eat?
It is shameful that we live in a country where so very many of us can't afford even the most basic health insurance. People have lost, or are losing, their jobs and their homes, not to mention any dreams of retirement. And yet we are told that "sharing the wealth" is a dirty, Socialist phrase. I like what Cornell West said on Bill Maher's "Real Time"--in a discussion of the term "social justice", Dr. West said "Social justice is what love looks like in public." Wow. Don't you just love someone who can sum it all up so beautifully? Dr. West, may I borrow your terminology? Can it be that Barak Obama shares the vision of Dr. West and many like him, that society would be a better place if there were more sharing of all kinds of wealth--we could all be a little more like Robin Hood, huh?

1 comment:

J said...

I made it to your blog!

Several years ago it occured to me that the main difference between democrats and republicans is: democrats are just a little less selfish than republicans, who actually appeal to people using greed.

I agree - everyone deserves to eat, and we could all eat a little less. :)

Bill Maher's show is a favorite of mine! I must have missed Cornell West; I watch pretty much every week. We saw Bill's movie Religulous - it was funny, but he went too far and was shockingly rude sometimes.